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Source Date Title Annotation 05.12.
Introducing 20 more key Faces of Sustainability in the Czech Republic The only Czech overview of sustainability experts has so far introduced 180 names. Now the list is complemented by another twenty exceptional personalities, including Ladislav Tyll from FPH VSE.
Forbes 02.11.
Do you conduct your business responsibly? And can we have a look? Business should generate profit. Sure, but that’s not enough. It is necessary to do business sustainably, and Czech entrepreneurs know this. The second year of ESG Rating, focused on measuring sustainability in business, confirms this. 30.07.
ESG increases the added value for companies by not decreasing it Many renowned brands in the food, clothing, consumer goods sectors, and beyond have faced customer resistance after it was revealed they discriminate against employees, use child labor abroad, or extract resources in an environmentally unacceptable way. Every entrepreneur can confirm that a good company reputation is the foundation of market success and stability. 26.07.
The abbreviation ESG is gaining importance.The unprecedented interest of companies in ESG Rating and new surveys demonstrate this. What do surveys say about the growing importance of ESG? The increasing interest in ESG is noticeable in both business and society, according to organizers. “Among our long-term contacts, demand for ESG is growing across the business sector, i.e., among banks, firms, and foreign partners or investors,” says Tyll. 26.07.
135 domestic companies want an ESG Rating, emphasis on sustainability is growing 135 companies signed up for the second year of the ESG Rating, organized by the Association of Social Responsibility (A-CSR) in cooperation with the internationally acclaimed CEMS program from the Faculty of Business Administration at VSE. That is a 55 percent increase compared to the first year. 09.06.
Customers now somewhat see sustainability as a company obligation, says Lucie Mádlová from the Association of Social Responsibility A significant improvement would be the establishment of rules for non-financial ESG reporting, which the European Union is now attempting. Companies should not see this as regulation but rather as a guide for reporting and communicating their sustainable activities. This can give them a competitive advantage, attracting customers or employees. 02.06.
Last chance to sign up for the second year of the ESG Rating “Just like last year, ESG Rating does not evaluate which company is the greenest or most considerate to the human community. ESG Rating monitors how honestly and transparently a given company informs about its impacts on ESG factors and how much it strives to improve its ESG,” explains Tyll, adding that greenwashing will not gain points. 31.05.
The crisis does not really favor ESG, but paradoxically does favor sustainability in business As usual, any crisis leads to positive operational and technical innovations. Interest in alternative energy sources is greater than ever among companies. And usually, these are “green” solutions. 25.05.
Money isn’t everything. Why do some qualified workers prefer sustainability over a higher salary? No one wants to boast about working for a company that employs children in foreign countries or contributes excessively to environmental pollution where the law falls short. During my time at the Faculty of Business Administration at VSE encountered many students who would under no circumstances work in some sectors. 04.05.
Registration for the second year of the unique ESG Rating starts. Which companies are the best in ESG? How are companies doing with sustainability and are they ready to report? Reporting on the specific impacts their activities have on the environment and society including all stakeholders directly concerns more than 2,000 large Czech companies from the beginning of 2025. Smaller companies traded on the stock exchange will face this from 2027. 20.01.
Ecological sustainability as a marketing move. How to prevent the ever more popular practice of greenwashing? If you ask the younger generation or simply “progressive society” which company they would prefer, a commitment to carbon neutrality will undoubtedly play a crucial role. As for the product, they will probably choose the one with a logo of a green leaf, planet, or bunny on the packaging. Very often, however, it is just a marketing trick that has nothing to do with nature conservation. 03.01.
The volume of “green money” in business is growing. However, some initiatives are better to be avoided Banks, investors, and companies are increasingly taking advantage of so-called “green money”. There are even first “green” investment opportunities for ordinary people. Most often, it’s about trying to improve so-called ESG in companies, i.e., financing the transformation of business towards lower ecological burden and more responsible business. But as always, not everything that looks green and advantageous is so. 28.12.
Companies will have to report their ecological impact or the difference in men’s and women’s compensation. Who will not may lose the deal In ESG reports, data for the entire supply chain will have to be included, regardless of whether the supplier is already obligated to deal with ESG or not. And so, a number of suppliers from small and medium-sized enterprises may find that they have to deal with ESG, otherwise, the buyer will replace them with a competitor.
Mezi dvěma světy
#8 Ladislav Tyll: What is ESG – practically and simply about the future, sustainability, and business ESG is not just about planting trees or sending money from Africa. ESG is not just PR. According to Ladislav Tyll, it is part of our life that simply helps us be happy. We also discussed whether for GenZ, the reward for work or the way an employer treats them is more important. 08.12.
Greenhushing: Why some companies are silent about ESG Companies commit greenhushing when they actively work on reducing their carbon footprint, producing less waste, manufacturing less plastic, and building greater sustainability, but tell no one about it. 25.11.
The ESG Phenomenon: Why is the EU pushing companies to disclose information about sustainability? What’s behind is an effort to highlight the differences between how companies present themselves in sustainability to consumers and how they actually behave. Consumer pressures on social responsibility and ecology in recent years naturally led to companies having to address these issues. 07.11.
Vodafone, Škoda, DPD, Moneta, or the ČEZ Group. Which Czech companies are leading by example in sustainability? The first independent ESG Rating found out! For the pilot year of the ESG Rating, 762 companies were approached from small businesses to multinational corporations. “Eventually, 87 companies from 23 different sectors participated in the evaluation, with their total turnover in 2021 reaching 1.36 trillion CZK, which represents altogether 22% of the GDP creation in the Czech Republic for last year.” 02.11.
Conduct business, but in a good way. ESG Rating awarded the most sustainable Czech companies In the Czech Republic, this is the first independent rating based on about six months of research. To analyze the performance of companies from the perspective of individual ESG pillars, a comprehensive questionnaire was used as the basis, measuring selected indicators within each part of ESG and combining quantitative and qualitative questions assessing companies’ readiness to transparently communicate how they address each issue.
Ladislav Tyll: The larger the company, the more detailed the sustainability report How do a hundred domestic companies, including CEZ, O2, or Skoda-auto, approach ESG (Environment, Social, and Governance, i.e., values fundamental for sustainable development) and sustainability? This was the focus of a new study by the Prague University of Economics and Business. The study was closely examined by business magazine host Romana Navarová with corporate strategy expert from the Faculty of Business Administration at the Prague University of Economics and Business, Ladislav Tyll. 22.09.
Companies approach cooperation with schools superficially, they should integrate more Companies have long complained that school graduates often lack key skills. In many cases, they therefore want to participate in the preparation of their potential employees. One of the places where such cooperation already works is the Faculty of Business Administration at the Prague University of Economics and Business. 19.08.
Companies must embrace responsibility, otherwise, they will not succeed with younger generations Companies should therefore remember that with the younger generations it will be increasingly difficult to get by “only” with a good product in business. The imaginary corporate background behind the product will become increasingly important. If it does not meet certain requirements, the company will have a harder time not only in the consumer market, but also in the labor market. 20.06.
The abbreviation ESG is still a bit mysterious for small companies. Starting 2026 it will become compulsory Other businesses should start informing about the specific impacts their activity has on the environment, social and governance. Unlike the general formulations they present now, they should be able to specifically quantify them.
ESG rating – the path to a non-financial rating What exactly is such an evaluation and comparison with other companies good for? How is it calculated, and why can it be especially interesting for small and medium-sized enterprises? This will be explained in today’s episode of LOOPY by Alice Machová, who leads the team of consulting services experts in the CFO agenda and financial accounting at Ernst & Young, together with Ladislav Tyll, the academic director of the CEMS program at VSE. 09.06.
Companies can get measured on how well they do from an ESG perspective Since the beginning of June, companies in the Czech Republic have had the opportunity to sign up for the project of the Association of Social Responsibility (ASO) and the business college program CEMS at the Prague University of Economics and Business. They will thus be able to obtain an ESG Rating, i.e., an evaluation of how they stand in the individual criteria falling under the acronym ESG. 30.05.
Companies can compare themselves in a sustainable approach The new ESG Rating opens the possibility for Czech companies to find out how they stand with their responsibility. So far, large players have the lead. This was also shown in the discussion at VSE last week. 28.05.
The EC plans to tighten sustainability. Small companies will have to report too Soon, even smaller companies will have to report non-financial results, i.e., information on how they affect the environment or treat their employees. A new European directive for them has been prepared by the European Commission, expected to be adopted during this year, and will apply to companies with more than 250 employees and a turnover of at least 40 million euro or assets over 20 million euro. 25.05.
Czechs do not know what ESG is. New rating will show them which companies are responsible The acronym, summarizing the phrase “environmental, social, and corporate governance,” means responsible behavior of companies in relation to the environment, society, and risk management. And although it mainly concerns large companies, it will affect each of us.